Your aiWORKOUT generated - 07/15/2023


Aerobic and Strength Workout to Start Your Fitness Journey

Workout Plan for Abrahan: Kickstart Your Fitness Journey


This workout plan is designed for Abrahan, who is currently sedentary and wants to start exercising. The workout will include a mix of aerobic and strength exercises, tailored to Abrahan’s current fitness level. The goal is to gradually increase physical activity, improve overall fitness, and kickstart a healthy lifestyle.

Key Concepts:

Before we start, let’s explain a few terms that will be used throughout the workout plan:

  1. MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task): MET is a unit that represents the energy expenditure of physical activities. It is a measure of the intensity of an exercise relative to the resting metabolic rate. For example, an activity with a MET value of 3 means you are burning three times the amount of energy compared to resting.
  2. RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion): RPE is a subjective measure of the intensity of an exercise. It is based on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is very light exertion and 10 is maximum exertion. We will use RPE to guide the intensity of each exercise.
  3. One Rep Max (1RM): One Rep Max is the maximum amount of weight you can lift for a specific exercise with proper form. It is used as a reference point to determine the appropriate weight to use for different percentages of your 1RM.


Start the workout with a warm-up to prepare your body for the upcoming exercises. The warm-up should include:

  1. 5 minutes of aerobic exercise: Choose any aerobic exercise you enjoy, such as walking or cycling. The goal is to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.
  2. 5 minutes of dynamic warm-up: Perform dynamic stretches to increase your range of motion and activate the muscles you will be using during the workout. Examples include arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists.

Exercise Segments:

The workout will consist of the following exercise segments. Perform each exercise with proper form and technique. Adjust the weight and intensity based on your comfort level and the recommended RPE.

  1. Aerobic Segment:
    • Exercise 1: Walking
      • Recommended RPE: 3-4
      • Description: Start with a slow pace and gradually increase your speed. Keep your posture straight and swing your arms naturally. Aim for a brisk pace where you can still talk, but your heart rate is elevated.
      • MET: 3.5
  2. Strength Segment:
    • Exercise 2: Bodyweight Squats
      • Recommended RPE: 4-5
      • Description: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if sitting back into a chair, keeping your chest up and knees over your toes. Push through your heels to return to the starting position.
      • MET: 3.5
    • Exercise 3: Wall Push-ups
      • Recommended RPE: 4-5
      • Description: Stand facing a wall with your hands flat against the wall at shoulder height and width. Bend your elbows to bring your body towards the wall, keeping your body straight. Push back to the starting position.
      • MET: 3.8

Projected Caloric Expenditure:

Based on the MET values of each exercise segment, the projected caloric expenditure for this workout can be calculated. The actual number of calories burned may vary depending on individual factors such as weight, age, and fitness level. On average, this workout is estimated to burn approximately X calories.


This workout plan is designed to help Abrahan transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one. Remember to adjust the intensity and duration according to your fitness level and comfort. Stay hydrated throughout the workout and listen to your body. Good luck, Abrahan!


Posted on

July 15, 2023